MP3 Marie Digby Say It Again
Sunday, October 26, 2008Here you can grab mp3 code of Marie Digby song - Say It Again - and embed it to your profile page as your favorite backsound. Marie Digby is a goog-looking female artist. She is gorgeous anyway. Here it is Marie Digby Say It Again Lyric:
The thing about love is I never saw it comin'
You kinda crept up and took me by surprise
And now there's a voice inside my heart that's got me wonderin'
Is this true, I wanna hear it one more time
Move in a little closer
(just a little closer)
Take it to a whisper
Get just a little louder
Say it again for me
Cuz I love the way it feels when you are
Tellin me that I'm
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It's like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you're in love
Say It Again
The thing about you (about you)
Is you know just how to get me
You talk about us like there's no end in sight
The thing about me is that I really wanna let you (wanna let you)
Open that door (open that door)
And walk into my life
Move in a little closer
(just a little closer)
Take it to a whisper
(woah) Just a little louder
Say it again for me
Cuz I love the way it feels
When you are
Tellin' me that i'm
The only one who blows your mind
Say it again for me
It's like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you're in love
And it feels like It's the first time
That anybody's ever brought the sun without the rain
And never In my whole life
Have I heard words as beautiful as when you say my name
Say It again for me
Cuz I love the way it feels
When you are tellin' me that I'm
The only one who blows your mind
Say It again for me
It's like the whole world stops to listen
When you tell me you're in love
Say it again (9x)
When you tell me you're in love
Say it again
oooo (oh)...
Grab The Music Code
Marie Digby Say It Again .MP3
<embed src="" width="200" height="20" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="&file="></embed>
Play Say it Again MP3
MP3 Backsound Code(s) Usage
To use the music code simply copy and paste it to your profile edit page. Usually inside "About me", "Who I want to meet", and "Media Box". Don't forget to save.
Download MP3 and Share
To prevent unworking code you may download the source MP3. Use the Blue text URL to download MP3 file. Simply copy and paste it onto your browser. Next, re-upload it to Ripway (or other hotlink file hosting) and replace the music code with your own. It may be so helpful if you share your re-uploaded mp3 url here. Just post a comment below this post. Thanks..
Labels: mp3 female, mp3 western